Estudios de Asia y África

Estudios de Asia y África is an interdisciplinary Spanish language journal dealing with the history, social, economic, political and cultural studies of Asia and Africa. It publishes research articles by Latin American, Asian, African, European and U.S. authors for scholars in Mexico, Latin America, the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of the world, peer reviewed by a minimum of two peers, double blind. It also publishes current articles and translations of texts in Asian or African languages, also peer reviewed by two peers, as well as review articles, peer reviewed by one peer, and book reviews. It was first published in El Colegio de México in January 1966 as Estudios Orientales. In 1975, the journal adopted its present name with the same numbering of volumes and issues. It is published three times a year and it is indexed in ScopusJSTORSciELORedalycLatindex, Dialnet.


Current Issue

Vol. 59 No. 2 (2024)
Published April 25, 2024


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