“And Life Is Nothing More Than a Vigil...” On Death in The Islamic World: A New (and Great) Contribution
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classical Islam
funerary practices
meaning of death
Islamic literature
ancient and contemporary Egypt

How to Cite

Castañeda Reyes, José Carlos. 2024. “‘And Life Is Nothing More Than a Vigil. ’ On Death in The Islamic World: A New (and Great) Contribution”. Estudios de Asia y África 59 (2): 119-130. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v59i2.2951
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The text comments on the content and the scope of the book Muerte y ritos funerarios en el islam. Estudio sobre las creencias religiosas y las prácticas sociales, by Manuel Enrique López Brenes and Roberto Marín Guzmán, published in 2021. In addition, based on other references on the subject, the work it is criticized in relation to classical and contemporary Islam, to popular movements in contemporary Egypt (2011–2014), and to aspects related to death from ancient Egypt.

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