

Section Policies



Articles are the journal’s most important texts. They contain research findings on issues related to Asia and Africa in the social sciences or humanities in areas such as history, philosophy, international relations, politics, religion, philology and literature, economy, science and technology, anthropology, environment, gender studies, linguistics, and languaje didactics. Contributions must have solid theoretical and methodological bases, and strictly adhere to the Author Guidelines. To be considered, they must be previously unpublished texts, prepared by specialists from any institution (a maximum of three authors), and be 5,500 to 8,500 words long (35,000-55,000 characters with spaces).

Current Asia and Africa

Manuscripts for this section are shorter than articles and have a specific focus on the current and international context. These texts provide critical assessments of current affairs related to one or more Asian or African countries, on areas including politics, international relations, international security, economics, humanitarian crises, and the environment. They often respond to issues and news reported in the mass media for an academic analysis of current events. The journal aims to publish manuscripts in this section within a short time frame to ensure their relevance to current discussions. Submissions must be previously unpublished texts, have a maximum of three authors, adhere to the Author Guidelines, and be 2,500 to 4,000 words long (18,000-25,000 characters with spaces).


The main objective of the Translations section is to publish Spanish-language translations, for the first time, of texts from Asian and African countries (mainly written in Asian or African languages) that are otherwise largely inaccessible to Spanish readers. Texts included in this section are usually on literary, religious, or philosophical topics, although they can also be essays on important historical or cultural issues, or else scholarly discussions on the phenomena of translating from these languages. Translations must be submitted together with comments, introduction, notes, and a brief bibliography to highlight the relevance and strategies of the translation, and must be the work of a single author. Estudios de Asia y África will only consider for review translations that have the consent and permission of the author or the copyright holder, unless the original work is in the public domain. Submissions for this section must be previously unpublished texts, adhere to the Author Guidelines, and be 4,000 to 6,000 words long (25,000-45,000 characters with spaces).

Review Articles

Review Articles are texts that, similarly to the Book Reviews, appraise works on Asia and Africa. In addition to being longer (2,500 to 4,000 words or 18,000 to 25,000 characters with spaces), these texts offer more in-depth analyses rather than simple summaries of works. Review Articles primarily seek to discuss two or more works (whether books or articles) by an author or several related works. In addition to briefly reviewing them, authors of review articles must offer an original theoretical and critical contribution to help understand the current state of research while expanding knowledge about the subject discussed by the work(s) in question. Submissions to this section must be the work of a single author and adhere to the Author Guidelines.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews are critical reviews of recently published books on the journal's topics of interest related to Asia and Africa. In addition to synthesizing the publications’ content, these reviews should also briefly reflect on how they build on existing literature, as well as highlight how the reviewed text adds to knowledge on the subject. The reviewed works must have been published within four years before the submission. In very special cases, reviews of books published outside that period can be considered, as long as the relevance of the review is clearly and forcefully justified and the Editorial Committee approves the proposal to be sent for peer review process. Submissions to this section must be the work of a single author, adhere to the Author Guidelines, and be between 1,000 and 1,500 words (7,000-10,000 characters with spaces).


Estudios de Asia y África can include thematic dossiers once a year. One or two guest coordinators and editors will be responsible for each dossier. In all cases the journal’s editorial committee will assess the relevance and soundness of the proposals. Each dossier will contain an introductory text by the editors, and four or five articles (each one whith a maximum of three authors). Contributions must have solid and relevant theoretical and methodological bases and adhere to the Author Guidelines. Submissions must be previously unpublished texts prepared by specialists of any institution and be 4,000 to 6,500 words long (25,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces).

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Any partial or total reproduction of the contents or images of the publication, including electronic storage, is authorized as long as it is non-profit or for strictly academic uses, invariably citing the source without alteration of the content and always giving credit to the author(s).

Authors may also distribute said articles freely for academic or scientific purposes, giving credit to the original publication in the journal, and, if possible, including a direct link to it.

Estudios de Asia y África does not charge a fee for processing or submitting articles (APC).

Estudios de Asia y África is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license, so the material may be copied and redistributed in any medium or format. But credit must be given to this work appropriately, providing a link to the license, and indicating if any changes have been made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, and not in a way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not use the material for commercial purposes. If you reorder, transform, or make additions to the text, you may not distribute the modified material.

All the content of this journal is available immediately online.

El Colegio de México Ethical Principles

The ethical principles of El Colegio de México are retrieved from a site external to the journal. If you wish to consult the source, please go to: https://www.colmex.mx/es/principios-eticos 


Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Authors are entirely responsible for the content of their contributions, as well as for ensuring ―in a letter provided by Estudios de Asia y África that must be signed― that they are original and unpublished.

For journals published by El Colegio de México, plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work and presenting it as one’s own. Plagiarism is rejected as well as self-plagiarism and the reuse of works previously published by the authors without proper citation.

As a policy for the prevention of plagiarism, Estudios de Asia y África reserves the right to review all texts submitted for publication using specialized anti-plagiarism software and common criteria to detect such practices. A basic guide to the most common plagiarism practices can be found here.

If plagiarism is detected, publication of the manuscript will be ruled out and the Editorial Committee will review the case and determine a sanction based on its seriousness.


Digital Preservation Policy

Estudios de Asia y África preserves a digital copy of all its publications. El Colegio de México’s IT department backs up and protects the journal’s webpage, and the institution’s Daniel Cosío Villegas library is creating a digital repository to offer digital access to documents, as well as to ensure their long-term preservation and future transfer to different digital formats when required.



This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archiving network distributed among collaborating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal for conservation and restoration purposes. More...


Ethical Guidelines for Contributors

Authors shall:

  • Submit accurate, clear, and precise texts that communicate the results of important scientific and academic research.
  • Submit only previously unpublished work.
  • Not submit texts, in whole or in part, to Estudios de Asia y África, that are under review for any other publication at the same time.
  • Follow the “Submission Guidelines” defined by Estudios de Asia y África in the Guidelines for Contributors (no text shall be reviewed if it does not follow these Instructions).
  • Acknowledge and specify the contribution of their collaborators or other authors who have contributed to the text submitted for publication. For further information about authorship, click here.
  • Respect the intellectual property and duly acknowledge the work of other authors, by indicating the source of all information from third parties.
  • Provide complete and accurate information about all references to books, periodicals, electronic publications, etc., included in the submission.
  • Refer to previously published works but avoid excessive self-citations.
  • Avoid recycling previous works.
  • Respond promptly to queries or requests for clarification by the Editor or Reviewers of Estudios de Asia y África on the authenticity of the authorship or sources of information.
  • Avoid plagiarism, falsification, lies, or omissions of important content.
  • Declare any conflict of interest if they on the journal’s Editorial Committee by stating their connection to said Committee on the cover page of the submitted text.
  • Report any research funding, specifying the institution that provided the support, and for which part of the work.
  • Provide the journal access to the information used when preparing the submission. When this information is open source, the text should include the corresponding link.
  • Preserve the dignity and privacy of the participants and interviewees in the research and refer to other groups and individuals with respect; avoid using sexist or any other potentially offensive language.
  • Give due consideration to reviewers’ observations and requests for the correction of submitted texts, and respond promptly, clearly and with justifications in a change follow-up form to the reviewers’ indications that are in contention.
  • Send to Estudios de Asia y África all information requested, promptly and accurately.
  • Be available for the Editor and the Assistant Editor to clarify doubts that may arise during the publication process.
  • Sign a journal publication letter authorizing any reproduction of their work, allowing its electronic publication and storage, and confirming its originality and releasing El Colegio de México, A.C. from any liability deriving from its publication.
  • Formally request the Editor authorization to reproduce the work previously published in the journal.

Reviewers shall:

  • Respect the confidentiality policy of the review of articles as established by Estudios de Asia y África; therefore, they shall neither reveal their identities to the authors, nor distribute/publish the texts submitted for their review.
  • Only accept works related to their academic background and area of expertise.
  • Review works responsibly, objectively, and without bias, as per ethical guidelines for peer-reviewers.
  • Declare any conflict of interest in case of recognizing or suspecting the identity of the author of the text to be reviewed, in which case the first step shall be to explain to the Editor that they are unable to carry out an impartial review, and then to turn down the request.
  • Submit a clearly explained report that follows the guidelines of the Reviewer’s Report Form for the section (Articles, Current Asia and Africa, Translations, Review Articles and Book Reviews) that corresponds to the text under review.
  • Submit their report within 30 days.
  • Refrain from using offensive language and respect authors in their appraisal.
  • Remain available for the journal’s Editor and/or Secretary in case of requiring any clarification.

The Editor and the Editorial Committee shall:

  • Protect the journal’s reputation by only including previously unpublished, high-quality academically and scientifically important texts.
  • Publish each issue according on schedule and to a high standard of quality.
  • Specify which materials are / are not subject to review.
  • Appraise works before sending them for review in order to make sure they are in line with the editorial guidelines defined by Estudios de Asia y África in its Guidelines for Contributors.
  • Accept or reject submissions received by the journal’s Editor solely based on the foreseen anonymous peer review (in case of discrepancies in opinion between reviewers, the journal’s Editor and Editorial Committee shall take the final decision).
  • Maintain reciprocal confidentiality at all times, both in relation to authors and reviewers.
  • Allow authors the right to appeal decisions made by the Editorial Committee.
  • Keep authors informed from the moment their work has been received to the time a decision has been taken.
  • Carry out a transparent editing and publication process that respects authors.
  • Be available for authors and peer reviewers in order clear up any doubts arising during the review and editorial process.
  • Provide guidance to reviewers on the appraisal of the texts, providing them access to a Reviewers’ Report Form (Articles, Current Asia and Africa, Translations, Review Articles and Book Reviews).
  • Provide guidance to authors about the result of the appraisal of their texts, providing them with a change follow-up form.
  • Settle any dispute related to submitted texts or published works, including but not limited to plagiarism, manipulation of references, and fabrication of details, and respond according to El Colegio de México’s ethical principles and these ethical guidelines.
  • Intervene as an initial response in case of any complaint lodged against the journal, the Editor, or El Colegio de México. If this initial step fails to resolve the complaint, a request shall be made for an intervention by El Colegio de México’s Editorial Board.
  • Intervene as an initial response to settle any disputes and conflicts of interest in relation to authors when submitting their publication proposals, and in regard to the peer reviewers in the review process.

Preserve, based on El Colegio de México’s ethical principles, the dignity and privacy of participants and interviewees in the research and refer respectfully to groups and individuals, avoiding sexist or any other language that is potentially offensive.