Legitimacy and Local Ownership: Key Variables in The Failure of State-Building in Afghanistan (2001-2021)
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local ownership

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Baltar Rodríguez, Enrique. 2023. “Legitimacy and Local Ownership: Key Variables in The Failure of State-Building in Afghanistan (2001-2021)”. Estudios de Asia y África 59 (1): 89-108. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v59i1.2884
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The collapse of the Afghan state in August 2021 confirmed that the state-building promoted by international intervention failed to generate the legitimacy and local ownership necessary for state consolidation and sustainability. As the state-building strategy remained subordinated to counterterrorism objectives, security considerations prevailed over the goals of national reconstruction, economic growth, and good governance. Military intervention and international financial aid contributed to promoting a type of rentier and neo-patrimonial state that served to the interests of the old elites who had emerged from the civil war, and had been marginalized from power, rather than delivering peace and public goods to most of the population and regions of the country.

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