The myth of Sīyāvuš and the present legends of Bukhara
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Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh
Iranian myths
Central Asia legends

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Mohammadi Shirmahaleh, Shekoufeh. 2019. “The myth of Sīyāvuš and the present legends of Bukhara”. Estudios de Asia y África 55 (1): 143-166.
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The myth of Sīyāvuš is one of the oldest and most important in the Iranian world and many rituals are related to it. Sīyāvuš is a deity of plants whose death and annual resurrection guarantees nature’s rebirth after cold seasons. To this day, it remains a powerful influence in Iran and Central Asia thanks to the legends that have sprung up from it. This paper describes some of these legends, collected during a fieldwork trip in 2018, and reinterprets them in reference to this myth.
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