Political Segmentarity and the Sultanate: On the Moroccan sultans Abdelaziz, Hafid and Yussef (1894-1927) and French Colonial Politics
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Mouley Abdalaziz
Moulay Hafid
Moulay Youssef
Hubert Lyautey

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González Alcantud, José Antonio. 2019. “Political Segmentarity and the Sultanate: On the Moroccan sultans Abdelaziz, Hafid and Yussef (1894-1927) and French Colonial Politics”. Estudios de Asia y África 54 (2): 267-302. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v54i2.2363
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The segmentary analysis—alliances and rivalries among tribal factions—starts with Ibn Khaldun and his vision of North African tribes in the 14th century, but gains particular momentum following the studies of W. Robertson Smith and E. E. Evans-Pritchard at the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th. These theories have been discredited to a certain extent during the decolonization period. This article examines the period from 1894 to 1927 in Morocco, relating to the Sultans Abdelaziz, Hafid and Youssef, re-examining the segmentary thesis, but now applied not only to the tribal system, but to the Makhzen itself, and especially to the contemporary European politics of the time in relation to the Sherifian kingdom. In this way, the segmentary hypotheses are recovered, extracting them from the previously narrow framework.
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