Publishing guidelines


  1. Estudios de Asia y Áfricaaccepts submissions of original research articles, analyses current events, translations of historic and literary texts in Asian and African languages, book reviews, and other documents relating to the regions of Asia and Africa.
  2. Only unpublished materials will be accepted.
  3. Estudios de Asia y África accepts articles based on theses (only already submitted and unpublished theses), as long as they are developed reworkings and the chapter or excerpt of the thesis has been effectively adapted to the form and rigor of a scientific article. The journal’s editor should be notified at the time of submission that the article is a by-product of a thesis, and the thesis itself should also be attached, along with the names of the supervisory committee and a brief explanation of the changes made to develop, update, and transform the original text. If the paper is accepted for publication, a note will be added to the published article specifying that it is a development of a thesis, including the corresponding digital identifier (DOI) or the location (URL) of the thesis.
  4. Authors should send their complete submission in electronic format, Microsoft Word (.doc/docx) Times New Roman 12 pts. font, through the online submission system (
  5. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
  6. The normal maximum length for Articles is between 35 000 and 55 000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references.
  7. The normal maximum length for Translations is between 25 000 and 35 000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references.
  8. The normal maximum length for submissions for the sections Current Asia and Africa and Review Articles is between 18 000 and 25 000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references.
  9. The normal maximum length for submissions for the section Book reviews is between 7 000 y 10 000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references.
  10. If submission includes graphic material (photos, tables, maps, and illustrations), this must be sent in separate and editable files. Its placement in the text should be clearly marked and must include credit and caption information.
  11. For Translations, a copy of the original text translated should be uploaded.
  12. Footnotes, if necessary at all, are to be used only for explanatory purposes.
  13. References should be cited in text in parenthetical author year format (last name of the author or authors, year of publication and page numbers), according to the Chicago Manual of Style.
  14. All in-text citations should appear, in alphabetical order by last name, in the references list. Each entry in the reference list must correspond to a work cited in the text. For more information, please go to the Chicago Manual of Style.
  15. Particular care should be taken to ensure that references are accurate and complete. Provide all journal and book titles in full as well as DOI identifiers where possible for scholarly materials (journal articles, books, ebooks, etc.)
  16. For all submissions, the following fields must be filled in the form: title (both in Spanish and English), abstract (100 to 120 words each one) (both in Spanish and English), five key words (both in Spanish and English) that are different from those contained in the title but related to the subject matter, e-mail, institutional address and a structured résumé of each author (100 to 120 words) (only in Spanish), with recent publications included.
  17. Instead of using characters in scripts other than the Latin alphabet, Estudios de Asia y África prefers the transliteration of all Asian and African languages. The transliteration system used will be the decision of the authors, although it should be one of the standardized systems recognized by specialists in the field, and its use must be consistent throughout the text. Regarding Chinese and Japanese, in addition to transliteration, it is recommended to use the characters only once, on the first appearance of the word or phrase in question. In the case of these languages, it is suggested to follow the scheme: romanization and characters, followed by the translation into Spanish in parentheses, when presenting titles of published works, popular sayings, concepts, and when philological, linguistic or translational discussions are involved.
  18. Each article will be reviewed as a blind submission by at least two peer evaluators. Authors will be informed of results once the peer evaluation has been finalized.
  19. Any submission that fails to follow these guidelines shall not be considered.
  20. Contact info:

Editor of Estudios de Asia y África

El Colegio de México

Carretera Picacho Ajusco 20, Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal

C.P. 14110, Tlalpan, Ciudad de México


Tels.: 52 (55) 5449 3022, 52 (55) 5449 3000 ext. 3116