Elections, power and anti-power in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-2019): The vote of the "invisible"
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colonial power matrix
instrumentalization of the subject
global coloniality

How to Cite

Reyes Lugardo, Marco Antonio. 2020. “Elections, power and anti-power in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1960-2019): The vote of the ‘invisible’”. Estudios de Asia y África 55 (3): 507-541. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v55i3.2616
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This article analyzes the advance of metonymic universal reason and its inherent logic of production of binomials and dichotomies that can constantly produce abyssal boundaries that define zones of non-existence; places defined as true or unintelligible. These abyssal lines or borders of non-existence have survived the independence processes in Africa, and particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s national liberation. The persistence of these borders imply that the emancipation utopias have lost their potential for liberation, becoming the flipside of abyssal thinking. Beyond this abyssal thinking’s definition of what does or does not exist, is it possible to identify anti-power formulas whose terms of emancipation, subjectivation or instrumentalization can overcome abyssal thinking?
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