"A maverick pig": Wang Xiaobo's essay on the Orwellian farm of the Cultural Revolution
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Wang Xiaobo
Cultural Revolution
Chinese literature
contemporary literature

How to Cite

Maíllo, Ismael A. 2020. “‘A maverick pig’: Wang Xiaobo’s essay on the Orwellian farm of the Cultural Revolution”. Estudios de Asia y África 55 (3): 599-616. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v55i3.2569
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“A Maverick Pig” is an essay by Chinese cult writer Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997) that was first published in 1996 in 三联生活周 刊 [Life Weekly] magazine. It describes the adventures of a pig the pet of educated young men—which is different from the others: an agile, vivacious, and intelligent creature that manages to get away with things. For the local people, the pig is a scourge.
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