“A Maverick Pig” is an essay by Chinese cult writer Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997) that was first published in 1996 in 三联生活周 刊 [Life Weekly] magazine. It describes the adventures of a pig the pet of educated young men—which is different from the others: an agile, vivacious, and intelligent creature that manages to get away with things. For the local people, the pig is a scourge.References
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Wang X. 王小波 (1992). Huángjīn shídài 黄金时代 [La edad de oro]. Taipéi: Taiwan Lian jing Chubanshe.
Wang X. 王小波 (1995). Weilai Shijie 未来世界 [El mundo futuro]. Taipéi: Taiwan Lian jing Chubanshe.
Wang X. 王小波 (1996a). Yi zhi duli duxing de zhu 只特立独行的 猪 [Un cerdo inconformista]. Life Weekly (11).
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Wang X. 王小波 (1998). Heitie shídài 黑铁时代 [La edad de hierro]. Changchún: Shidai Wenyi Chubanshe.
Wang X. 王小平 (2012). Wo de xiongdi Wang Xiaobo 我的兄弟 王小波 [Mi hermano Wang Xiaobo]. Nankín: Jiangsu Wenyi Chubanshe.
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