The <em>Xué Ér</em> in the Confucian Conceptual Framework
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Chinese philosophy
Xué Ér
classical Confucianism

How to Cite

Figueroa Lackington, Benjamín Antonio. 2020. “The Xué Ér in the Confucian Conceptual Framework”. Estudios de Asia y África 56 (1): 75-94.
  • Abstract
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This article presents a general commentary on the Xué Ér 學而, focusing on the broader conceptual framework of the Lúnyu 論語—the famous Confucian text attributed to Kongfūzı 孔夫子, “Confucius”. It offers an analysis of six main notions that appear throughout the sixteen aphorisms of the Xué Ér: xué 學, jūnzı 君子, xiào 孝, běn 本, rén 仁, and  禮. It also incorporates several contemporary interpretations referred to the possible translations of these notions into modern Indo-European languages.
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