Water, Power and Hegemony between State and Non-state Actors in Turkey, Syria and Iraq
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Conde, Gilberto. 2017. “Water, Power and Hegemony between State and Non-state Actors in Turkey, Syria and Iraq”. Estudios de Asia y África 52 (1): 05-28. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v52i1.2226
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It would seem that negotiations to regulate the sharing of water of international rivers contribute to peace. At variance with such a view, this article coincides with authors that have found that negotiations and agreements define and legitimize asymmetrical power relations and conflict in international basins. This has been found to occur in the Tigris and Euphrates basin in the water reations between Turkey, Syria, Iraq and their Kurdish populations. The article proposes a reflection on hydrohegemony, while seeking to enrich the concept.

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