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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submitted text has not been previously published in any format (printed or electronic), nor has been submitted to any other publication.

  • The submission comes in an OpenOffice, LibreOffice or Microsoft Word file.
  • Depending on the targetted section the submitted text complies with the extension specified in the Author Guidelines.
  • All author names have been deleated from the text and file in order to guarantee the anonymity in the peer-review process.

  • All citations are placed in footnotes in a format similar to the example in the Author Guidelines.

  • The references list includes all and only the cited materials.
  • All graphic materials (photos, tables, graphs, maps or any other illustration) are being provided in separate files produced by the application in which they were producede.Their location is clearly marked within the text file. All these files are to be added in Step 2 of the submission process.

Author Guidelines

Please read the Author guidelines of Estudios de Asia y África, before submitting any materials. Please bear in mind that following the guidelines may accelerate the entire publication process, including peer review.


The Articles are the journal’s most important texts. They contain research findings on issues related to Asia and Africa in the social sciences or humanities in areas such as history, philosophy, international relations, politics, religion, philology and literature, economy, science and technology, anthropology, environment, gender studies, and linguistics. Contributions must have solid theoretical and methodological bases, and strictly adhere to the Author Guidelines. To be considered, they must be previously unpublished texts, prepared by specialists from any institution, and be 5,500 to 8,500 words long (35,000-55,000 characters with spaces).

Current Asia and Africa

Manuscripts for this section are shorter than articles and have a specific focus on the current and international context. These texts provide critical assessments of current affairs related to one or more Asian or African countries, on areas including politics, international relations, international security, economics, humanitarian crises, and the environment. They often respond to issues and news reported in the mass media for an academic analysis of current events. The journal aims to publish manuscripts in this section within a short time frame to ensure their relevance to current discussions. Submissions must be previously unpublished texts, adhere to the Author Guidelines, and be 2,500 to 4,000 words long (18,000-25,000 characters with spaces).


The main objective of the Translations section is to publish Spanish-language translations, for the first time, of texts from Asian and African countries (mainly written in Asian or African languages) that are otherwise largely inaccessible to Spanish readers. Texts included in this section are usually on literary, religious, or philosophical topics, although they can also be essays on important historical or cultural issues, or else scholarly discussions on the phenomena of translating from these languages. Translations must be submitted together with comments, introduction, notes, and a brief bibliography to highlight the relevance and strategies of the translation. Submissions for this section must be previously unpublished texts, adhere to the Author Guidelines, and be 4,000 to 6,000 words long (25,000-45,000 characters with spaces).

Review Articles

Review Articles are texts that, similarly to the Book Reviews, appraise works on Asia and Africa. In addition to being longer (2,500 to 4,000 words or 18,000 to 25,000 characters with spaces), these texts offer more in-depth analyses rather than simple summaries of works. Review Articles primarily seek to discuss two or more works (whether books or articles) by an author or several related works. In addition to briefly reviewing them, authors of review articles must offer an original theoretical and critical contribution to help understand the current state of research while expanding knowledge about the subject discussed by the work(s) in question. Submissions to this section must adhere to the Author Guidelines.

Book Reviews

Book Reviews are critical reviews of recently published books on the journal's topics of interest related to Asia and Africa. In addition to synthesizing the publications’ content, these reviews should also briefly reflect on how they build on existing literature, as well as highlight how the reviewed text adds to knowledge on the subject. The reviewed works must have been published within two years of the date of the Book Review. Submissions to this section must adhere to the Author Guidelines, and be between 1,000 and 1,500 words (7,000-10,000 characters with spaces).

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El Colegio de México, A.C. (registered address: Carretera Picacho Ajusco no. 20, Colonia Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal, Alcaldía de Tlalpan, C.P. 14110, Mexico City) is responsible for safeguarding any personal information provided on the electronic portals and, in order to confirm user identity.

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