
vol. 59, no. 3 (185), September-December, 2024 

Table of Contents


Do Geese Still Fly?  An Analysis of East Asian Industrialization in the Wake of China’s Emergence

Juan M. Graña, Lucas Terranova and Guido Weksler


Politics of Seduction: An Interpretive Framework for the Study of Israeli Digital Violence in Instagram

Moisés Garduño García


The Significance of Identity Change and Continuity in Inter-State Relations: A Discourse Analysis of the Cases of Iran and South Africa since 1979

Ana Olmedo


The Mythical Sīāvaš in Some Zoroastrian Sources

Shekoufeh Mohammadi Shirmahaleh


Non-fiction by Xinran: Women’s True Stories in the Context of a Changing Contemporary Chinese Culture

Lindsey Mclean Melchor


Moroccan Troops in Andalusia (1936-39). An Oriental Incursion on the Imaginary Frontier of the West

José Antonio González Alcantud



“Abbreviation of the Exposition of Identity Sentences” (Laghu-Vākya-Vṛtti), Attributed to Śaṅkara, with Anonymous Comment “Flower Offering” (Puṣpāñjali)

Anselmo Hernández Quiroz



Abu Bakr Ibn ͑Aṣim al-Garnāṭī. 2020. El libro de los huertos en flor (Ḥadā՚iq al-azāhir). Cuentos, refranes, y anécdotas de la Granada nazarí. Translated and anotated by Desirée López Bernal. Granada: Universidad de Granada. 567 pp. ISBN 9788433865281

María Cristina Cardeño Gama


Javier García. 2023. China, amenaza o esperanza. La realidad de una revolución pragmática. Mexico: Akal. 200 pp. ISBN 9786078898121

Ignacio Martín Ruiz