VOL. 13, NO. 2(37), MAY-AUGUST, 1978
VOL. 13, NO. 2(37), MAY-AUGUST, 1978

Current Asia and Africa

Gloria López Morales
El Sahara y el futuro del Magreb
PDF (Español)
Jon Halliday, Oscar Montes
La política de la guerra de Corea
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Notas Bibliográficas

C. A.
Documents of the National Struggle in Oman and the Arabian Gult. Translated and published by Gulf Committee, London, 1974.
PDF (Español)
C. A.
Roger Owen (ed.), Essays on the Crisis in Lebanon, Ithaca Press, London, 1976.
PDF (Español)
C. A.
Le Mouvement National Palestinien, presenté par Olivier Carré, Gallimard, París, 1977.
PDF (Español)
J. T. C.
Kim, Eugene y Lawrence Ziring, An Introduction to Asian Politics, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1977, 400 pp.
PDF (Español)
J. T. C.
Pauker, Guy J., et al., Diversity and Development in Southeast Asia: The Coming Decade, 1980s Project/Council on Foreign Relations, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1977, 191 pp.
PDF (Español)
J. T. C.
Mori, Takeshi (ed.), Japan's Overseas Investment, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, 1976, 436 pp.
PDF (Español)
J. T. C.
Kajima, Morinosuke, The Diplomacy of Japan: 1894-1922, Vol. 1. Kajima Institute of International Peace, Tokyo, 1976, 471 pp.
PDF (Español)
Russell Maeth Ch.
Liu Wu-Chi et al. (eds.), K'uei Hsing: A Repository of Asian Literature in Translation. Bloomington, University of Indiana Press, 1974. xii, 176 pp.
PDF (Español)
Russell Maeth Ch.
M. M. Y. Fung et al. (eds.), Xiándai Zhōngguo Shixuan (Modern Chinese Poetry: An Anthology, 1917-1949). Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, 1974, 2 vols., xxxix 878, 930.
PDF (Español)
Russell Maeth Ch.
Anthony C. Yu (trad.), The Journey to the West: Volume One. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1977. xiv, 530 pp.
PDF (Español)