Peculiarities of 19th Century Qajar Photography in Iran: Between A Certain Orientalism and Some Autochthonous Manifestations
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Naser al-Din
19th century

How to Cite

Martínez Muñiz, Pablo. 2024. “Peculiarities of 19th Century Qajar Photography in Iran: Between A Certain Orientalism and Some Autochthonous Manifestations”. Estudios de Asia y África 59 (2): 77-98.
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This article examines the origins and development of Qajar photography in Iran, from its emergence in 1842 to the early 20th century. It makes connections between the actors involved in its rapid development, focusing on the figure of Shah Naser al-Din, who promoted photography and was himself a prominent photographer. The text examines the contribution of important photographers in these early years, who were mainly foreigners but also representatives of the Qajar court. Various factors enabled a type of photography in Iran that was different from that in neighboring Middle Eastern regions.
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