Japan, Spain, and Current Debates on the Traumatic Memory of the Twentieth Century: A Proposal for Comparative Historical Analysis
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collective memory
World War II

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Movellán Haro, Jesús. 2024. “Japan, Spain, and Current Debates on the Traumatic Memory of the Twentieth Century: A Proposal for Comparative Historical Analysis”. Estudios De Asia Y África 59 (2):57-76. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v59i2.2916.
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Debates about the memory of traumatic historical experiences are part of contemporary public opinion and historiography. In the cases of Japan and Spain in the 21st century, the difficulties of coming to terms with a traumatic past and developing an inclusive memory of it are related to the different approaches to analyzing such a past. This article proposes a comparative reading of the two countries, based on the tensions and positions found between the present and the past in relation to the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, and the Valle de los Caídos mausoleum in Spain.

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