The Rediscovery of the Oxus Civilization
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Oxus Civilization
Central Asia
Bronze Age

How to Cite

Blesa Cuenca, José Luis. 2023. “The Rediscovery of the Oxus Civilization”. Estudios de Asia y África 59 (1): 121-130.
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This paper seeks to frame The World of the Oxus Civilization, edited by Bertille Lyonnet and Nadezhda Dubova, in the context of the rediscovery of the ancient civilizations of Central Asia, as well as to review and value it. This is the first monograph to cover from a global perspective what is known as the Oxus Civilization or the Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex; one of the last great civilizations to be rediscovered. Once the book is framed within the historiography of the archaeology of Central Asia, the event at which it was presented in Mexico is discussed, building a bridge with national archaeology.
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