Religion and Territory in al-Fārābī’s Political Philosophy
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dār al-islām
dār al-ḥarb
Islamic political philosophy

How to Cite

López Farjeat, Luis Xavier, and José Alfonso Ganem Gutiérrez. 2023. “Religion and Territory in al-Fārābī’s Political Philosophy”. Estudios de Asia y África 58 (2): 315-342.
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This article explores the use of the terminological pair dār al-islām/dār al-ḥarb, first, from the Islamic juridical perspective. Then, the discussion is focused on the relationship between religion (milla), nation (umma), and territory (maskan), in al-Fārābī’s political philosophy. It is highlighted that, in al-Fārābī’s approach, the dichotomy dār al-islam/dār al-ḥarb does not appear. The absence of that distinction suggests that for the philosopher religious identity is not a pre-requisite for a political community and its geographical demarcation. Therefore, it is argued that al-Fārābī’s philosophical approach rules out the division of nations based on their religious identity. Beyond the differences between legal science and philosophy, the article examines the conceptualization of al-Fārābī’s territory and its consequences for political philosophy.
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