Historiography and Palestinian Identity in the 20th Century
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Palestinian historiography
Palestinian-Israeli conflict
Middle East
Palestinian identity
Palestinian history

How to Cite

Echeverry Tamayo, Juan David. 2023. “Historiography and Palestinian Identity in the 20th Century”. Estudios de Asia y África 58 (3): 415-452. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v58i3.2792
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Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories is a major international political phenomenon of the 20th century; however, the many emotional factors and foundational myths surrounding it have distorted studies of the conflict. Analyzing the main historiographical currents responsible for modern Palestinian identity building is essential to understanding the conflict’s different stages and avoiding simplistic explanations for the multiple loyalties that characterize the Middle Eastern identity, as well as understanding the origin and transformation of the Palestinian people’s national and territorial claims.

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