Korean Mask Theater: Its Reinterpretation and Transformation in Contemporary Theater
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Korean mask theather

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Kang, Eun Kyung, F. Manuel Montalbán Peregrín, and Antonio J. Domenech. 2023. “Korean Mask Theater: Its Reinterpretation and Transformation in Contemporary Theater”. Estudios de Asia y África 58 (2): 243-272. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v58i2.2784
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This article studies the role played by mask theater in the transformation of Korean performing arts throughout the twentieth century, and its connections to modern and European drama. It analyzes the changes taking place in the periods that have marked the different stages of the performing arts within the Korean peninsula, and in particular in the Republic of Korea after the division of the country. The text examines the situation during Japanese colonization, and then it focuses on the development of contemporary theater in the years after the Korean War, from the dictatorship to the democratic period. There are examples of work by performing arts professionals to bring new forms of Korean theater to life. The theater adapted during this period to the historical, social, and cultural changes taking place in the peninsula.

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