The Notion of <em>Karman</em> in the <em>Pātañjalayogaśāstra</em>. Introduction and Annotated Translation of <em>Sūtra</em> II,12-18 with Their Corresponding <em>Bhāṣya</em>
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Vyāsa’s commentary

How to Cite

Martino, Gabriel. 2023. “The Notion of Karman in the Pātañjalayogaśāstra. Introduction and Annotated Translation of Sūtra II,12-18 with Their Corresponding Bhāṣya”. Estudios de Asia y África 58 (2): 343-374.
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The Pātañjalayogaśāstra is the key text of what is known as the yoga-darśana. It comprises two different textual layers: a sūtra, the Yogasūtra attributed to Patañjali, and a bhāṣya or commentary traditionally ascribed to Vyāsa. The problem regarding the authorship of the two texts has been widely discussed, and even some scholars defend the theory of a common author for both who would have lived around 400 AD. The present work is an annotated translation, accompanied by an introduction, of a significant passage of the Pātañjalayogaśāstra (II,12-18) relevant to understanding the notion of yoga contained in the treatise and, particularly, its conception of action or karman.
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