Zhang Zai’s <em>Zhengmeng</em>
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Chinese philosophy
Zhang Zai

How to Cite

Costantini, Filippo. 2021. “Zhang Zai’s Zhengmeng: Chapter 1: ‘Taihe pian’”. Estudios de Asia y África 57 (1): 151-172. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v57i1.2726
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Zhengmeng is Zhang Zai’s most important and influential work, and it represents his most developed thought. Although the most famous and commented part of Zhengmeng is clearly the opening of the seventeenth chapter (the “Ximing”), the skeleton of the entire work is traditionally considered the first chapter. This article presents the first translation into Spanish of Zhengmeng’s first chapter: the “Taihe pian”.

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