Crossroads of Identity: Anti-Geopolitical Annotations to the Kurdish History of Turkey
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Cirianni Salazar, Lucía, and Sebastián Estremo Paredes. 2023. “Crossroads of Identity: Anti-Geopolitical Annotations to the Kurdish History of Turkey”. Estudios de Asia y África 59 (1): 1-22.
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Since the creation of the Republic of Turkey, the identity and the political projects of the country’s Kurdish population have faced enormous challenges. Understanding how the Kurds in Turkey have thought about themselves and developed forms of resistance to cultural assimilation is not a homogeneous and linear process, it demands the observation of a complex landscape of social debates. Our analysis of some of these debates aims to avoid essentialist definitions of identity that have led to over-simplified explanations about the political dynamics of the region. This article highlights some key moments in this history of social debates that interweave religion, ethnicity, and the state. These key moments, we argue, are crossroads that pose dilemmas to enrich critical thinking about the region.
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