Palestine/Israel: A Reproduction of Historical Patterns
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Great Britain
United Nations
international mediation

How to Cite

Abu-Tarbush Quevedo, José. 2021. “Palestine/Israel: A Reproduction of Historical Patterns”. Estudios de Asia y África 56 (3): 593-606.
  • Abstract
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This work is a critical book review of Jorge Ramos Tolosa’s Los años clave de Palestina-Israel. Pablo de Azcárate y la ONU (1947-1952). The missions of this Spanish diplomat provide the basis for this analysis of a crucial historical period that focuses on the geopolitical and demographic transformation of Palestine and the establishment of the Israeli State—a process initiated by Great Britain and continued by both superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, after the Second World War. The United Nations was also partly responsible by neglecting its duty to preserve the peace and through the bias of some parts of its organization and its prominent figures. A comparative study of specialized literature reveals patterns of behavior still in evidence today: an asymmetry of power between the parties, support, and bias of the hegemonic international power and the instrumentalization of international institutions.
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