Mexican travelers to "red" China and the people's commune
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Ortega, Jaime. 2020. “Mexican travelers to ‘red’ China and the people’s commune”. Estudios de Asia y África 55 (3): 543-569.
  • Abstract
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This work focuses on following up on the stories of a group of Mexican travelers who visited “red” China. The members of this party had something in common: none belonged to the political Left. Occupying positions closely connected to Mexico’s Institutional Revolution Party, they travel at different times when the Asian country tries to overcome international isolation. The travel stories are then tinged with an enthusiasm that ranges from “orientalism” to anti colonial or “third-world” perspectives. The article introduces us to these travelers to communist China and their main motivations for undertaking the journey, and explores a recurrent theme: the people’s commune and its impact on the life in the “Red Dragon”.
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