Being a <em>Wianbu</em> in Post-war South Korea
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otherness of women
comfort women
wianbu in post-war South Korea
Chinatown by Oh Jung-hee
Yongsan police report

How to Cite

Park, Morgan Mok-won. 2021. “Being a Wianbu in Post-war South Korea”. Estudios de Asia y África 56 (2): 235-263.
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This article compares two texts that offer different perspectives on the same situation of oppression imposed upon women by power. The analysis begins by examining an official report by the Seoul’s Yongsan District police in 1971 that contains rhetorical guidelines to condone the crimes against Korean prostitutes committed by American soldiers, and to force the Korean people to treat the soldiers favorably. In parallel, the article focuses on Oh Jung-hee’s Chinatown, a short story written in 1979. This work reveals how local residents perceived prostitutes at that time. In contrast to the previous text, Chinatown mainly describes how American troops were increasingly violent toward these women. A critical discourse analysis of these two texts reveals the use of linguistic devices to spread imperial and patriarchal ideology.
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