Oil revenues and economic dependency. China’s role in Africa’s new growth processes: A case study of Sudan (1989-2011)
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armed conflict

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Langa Herrero, Alfredo, and Daniel Coq Huelva. 2019. “Oil revenues and economic dependency. China’s role in Africa’s new growth processes: A case study of Sudan (1989-2011)”. Estudios de Asia y África 54 (3): 499-532. https://doi.org/10.24201/eaa.v54i3.2532
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This article analyzes the growth of the Sudanese economy from 1989 to 2011, as a result of four concurrent processes: neoliberalism in Africa and the Arab world, Islamism, extractivism, and changes in the global geopolitical framework strongly influenced by China’s growing role. Two phases have been identified in this process: in the first phase, the foundations were laid for the exploitation and distribution of crude oil and large investments are made in infrastructure. In the second, Sudan consolidated its role as an oil-producing country, entailing major transformations in its productive structure and in the State’s role. The authors also examine the impact of oil, the shifting global geopolitical context, particularly in regard to China in the evolution of the armed conflict scenario.
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