Science, technology and innovation policies of Vietnam
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Dổi mới reforms
technology and innovation policies

How to Cite

Lemus Delgado, Daniel Ricardo. 2020. “Science, technology and innovation policies of Vietnam”. Estudios de Asia y África 55 (2): 263-294.
  • Abstract
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This article analyzes Vietnam’s science, technology and innovation policies. The introduction focuses on the country’s economic transformation since the Dổi mới reforms and I discuss how these developments have introduced a structural change. The argument is that Vietnam’s economic transformation has framed scientific and technological activities. In addition, I examine the scientific and technological sector’s evolution and its connection to the creation of a National Innovation System. I also evaluate the performance of the scientific and technological sector within the international context. Finally, I introduce some reflections about the importance of strengthening science, technology and innovation as a key for the development of Vietnamese society.
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