Semiotic significance of the garden design of The Labyrinth, paradigm of the Yuanming Yuan
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architectural elements
linear perspective
Qing dynasty

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Castilla, Manuel V. 2018. “Semiotic significance of the garden design of The Labyrinth, paradigm of the Yuanming Yuan”. Estudios de Asia y África 53 (2): 351-376.
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During the late 18th century, European Jesuits built a Labyrinth located within Western Mansions complex in the northeast of Yuanming Yuan Garden. The destination of the Labyrinth was an open air scenery designed with western illusionist techniques for the entertainment of the emperor Qianlong. This article analyses the design of the Labyrinth from a visual language point of view. Semiotic structures and tools were employed to interpret the expression of architectural forms of this art work and formulate a subsequent understanding of these forms by turning each element into a communication tool. This original Labyrinth was encoded by the pictorial architectonic hybridization developed by the Jesuit missionaries in China.
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