Mercosur-India negotiations: Business opportunities for Uruguay
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trade opportunities

How to Cite

Bartesaghi, Ignacio, and Deepak Bhojwani. 2019. “Mercosur-India negotiations: Business opportunities for Uruguay”. Estudios de Asia y África 54 (2): 329-360.
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A round of negotiations between Mercosur and India was recently launched to deepen the agreement in force. These negotiations will face the difficulties inherent with two actors who apply highly protectionist policies and have negotiated few trade agreements. As part of these negotiations, Uruguay has the potential to expand trade in processed foods, which currently face high tariff levels and non-tariff barriers. On the other hand, India enjoys advantages in industrial goods, many of which are not manufactured within Uruguay but by its main partners in Mercosur. This reality implies that negotiations between the two actors will not be without difficulties.
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