Melih Cevdet Anday’s <em>Gizli Emir</em> (The Secret Order): A Prophetic Novel with Turkish and Universal Themes
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Turkish literature
coup d’État.

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Koelle, Peter Brampton. 2017. “Melih Cevdet Anday’s Gizli Emir (The Secret Order): A Prophetic Novel with Turkish and Universal Themes”. Estudios de Asia y África 52 (3): 697-716.
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This article examines Melih Cevdet Anday’s novel Gizli Emir (The Secret Order), as a work which can be categorized under the rubric of the March Twelfth Novels, the novels written as a result of the Turkish coup d’État of 12 March, 1971. Published a year before the coup, it was a prophetic novel in its socio-political context. This article makes clear how the author was able to examine the Turkish situation without mentioning the political figures and parties by name, or even the toponyms of the country, and how he used this resource to create a more universal work and give it an appeal not limited to the situation of Turkey at that time.
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