About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Estudios de Asia y África is a four-monthly Spanish language interdisciplinary journal devoted to the history and cultural, social, political and economic studies of Asia and Africa. It is published by the Center of Asia and Africa Studies of El Colegio de México.

Over half the world population live in Asia and Africa, and their cultural, social, political and economic developments through time are of global relevance. These issues are ever more studied from Latin America, Spain and Portugal with often refreshing approaches. Our journal gives voice to the scolars from these parts and from the rest of the world who focus in these areas, seeking to showcase, in Spanish, to a diverse readership, specialized and not, important research products that span from socio-political, gender and environmetal issues of the present to the clasical or cultural history of different regions of Asia and Africa.
Estudios de Asia y África runs, next to research articles, notes on current developments and translations of texts in Asian and African languages, as well as review articles and book reviews.

Publishing began in 1966 as Estudios Orientales. In 1975, it changed its name to the current one, while following with the same volume and issue numbering.

It is indexed and aggregated by institutions such as Scopus, JSTOR, SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet and Latindex.

Peer Review Process

The journal accepts original Research Articles in Spanish, Portuguese, or English, although texts in other languages may also be considered. At least two peers review each Research Article; they may accept the article for publication, accept it subject to changes, request another review of the article after changes, or reject it. When authors upload their text’s corrected version, they are requested also to send a special tracking review format in which they record the changes made to their text in response to the reviewers’ requests, or alternatively explaining their decision not to make the suggested change(s). Authors should deliver their corrected article and duly completed tracking format within one month of receiving the review.

Texts for other sections of the Journal, such as Culture and Society and Translation from Asian and African languages are reviewed by at least two peers; texts for sections such as Current Asia and Africa and Review articles are reviewed by one peer.

Publication Frequency

Estudios de Asia y África is published every four months. The print version comes out in January, May and September. The on line version may appear earlier than the stated dates.

Open Access Policy

Estudios de Asia y África is offered in open access online as soon as the electronic version is ready.

About the Editorial Board

Estudios de Asia y África, published at the Centro de Estudios de Asia y África, in El Colegio de México, is the only interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal in Spanish focused on the history, social, economic and political sciences of the Asian and African regions. EAA represents a unique source for the presentation of original scholarship by Latin American, Asian, African, European and U.S.-based authors to readers in Mexico, Latin America, the Iberian Peninsula and the rest of the world.

Estudios de Asia y África was first published beginning in January 1966 under the name Estudios Orientales; in January 1975 it assumed its current name, although continuing with the original numbering of EO. At present, it is a quarterly publication with minor changes to its cover and inside format every few years. It offers research articles with abstracts in English and Spanish, translations of texts in Asian and African languages, analysis of current developments, critiques and discussions, as well as book reviews. Its scholarly articles are reviewed by two peers chosen from among the members of its editorial committees and a longer list of selected Mexican and international specialists.

The leading academics on the editorial board of Estudios de Asia y África work together to set the journal’s editorial policy, and are responsible for the quality of the published texts. The board consists of the journal’s editor, three CEEA academics, and three outside members, and it meets regularly at the request of the journal’s editor.

The journal has also an advisory board composed of prominent academics from five continents who are specialists in the topics and geographical areas of interest of the journal. The advisory board helps define the editorial policy and works to ensure the quality of the publication’s content.


  • Adrián Muñoz, El Colegio de México, A.C., México

About the Editor of Estudios de Asia y África

Professor and researcher at the Centre for Asian and African Studies at El Colegio de Mexico since 2013 and member of the National system of researchers. He was Professor of literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, UNAM. He is specialist in religions of India, and he is dedicated also to the Sanskrit language, to the relations between religion and literature and to compared literature.

Assistant Editor

  • Cynthia Godoy, El Colegio de México, A.C., México

Editorial Committee

  • Ishita Banerjee, El Colegio de México, A.C.
  • Laura Carballido, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • José Carlos Castañeda, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • Mónica Cejas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
  • Shadi Rohana, El Colegio de México, A.C.
  • Aaron Rosenberg, El Colegio de México, A.C.

Advisory Board

  • Peter Anyang' Nyong'o, The African Research and Resource Forum, Nairoby, Kenya
  • Taciana Fisac Badell, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid/Centro de Estudios de Asia Oriental
  • † Luis Oscar Gómez Rodríguez, El Colegio de México, A.C./Programa de Investigadores Asociados
  • Ruri Ito, Hitotsubashi University
  • Lothar Knauth Mühling, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Linda Rosa Manzanilla Naim, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas
  • Roberto Marín Guzmán, Universidad de Costa Rica/Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
  • Omar Martínez Legorreta, El Colegio Mexiquense
  • Alfredo Romero Castilla, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • James R. Rush, Arizona State University/Faculty of History/School of Historical/ Philosophical, and Religious Studies
  • Jack Sasson, Vandervilt University
  • María de Lourdes Sierra Kobeh, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales/Centro de Estudios Internacionales
  • Romila Thapar, Jawaharlal Nehru University Nueva Delhi
  • Daniel Toledo Beltrán, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México

For authors

Ethical Guidelines for Contributors

Estudios de Asia y África

ISSN (print) 0185-0164

ISSN (electronic) 2448-654X

Contributors will commit themselves to:

  • Presenting quality materials, written with precision and clarity, and offering the result of original and relevant research output.
  • Offering only original, previously unpublished, work.
  •  Not presenting their materials for review by Estudios de Asia y África, in part or whole, at the same time as they are presenting them for publication in another venue.
  • Closely follow the “Guidelines for contributors” prior to presenting their work for review.
  • Respect the intellectual property of third parties and to always give due credit to the work of other authors; a task for which they must always cite the original source for all third-party information that appears in their work.
  • Offer precise and thorough data regarding all references, including secondary and primary bibliographical sources, electronic sources and journalistic sources.
  • Avoid excessive citation of their own previous work.
  • Avoid plagiarism, falsification, misleading information or the omission of key material relative to their main arguments and results.
  • Respond, within a reasonable timeframe, to doubts or specific petitions expressed by the editor and/or reviewers relative to the precision of data regarding the authorship and/or source of information that is employed in the contributor’s text.
  • Take proper and serious consideration for all the observations, critiques and requests put forward by the reviewers in relation to the contribution; specifically, this will include replying in clear and precise fashion –in a letter directed to the Editor- to each of the points raised by the reviewers.
  • Make themselves available both to the Editor and to the Editorial Assistant in relation to requests for clarifications arising from the editorial process.

The reviewers will commit themselves to:

  • Respect the policy of anonymity and confidentiality relative to their review, which rests on the principle that they may not make their identities known to the contributor under review and that they may not disseminate, by any means or in any form, the materials that have been submitted for review.
  • Generate objective, responsible and impartial reviews.
  • To deliver a clear evaluation in accordance with the “Format for revision of articles by Estudios de Asia y África.
  • To deliver their verdict within a period no greater than 30 days from the time of having received the article to be reviewed.
  • Not to use offensive language and to respect authors when referring to them within the context of their review.
  • To make themselves available both for the Journal Editor and for their Secretary in case any subsequent clarification becomes necessary.

The Editor and the Editorial Board will commit themselves to:

  • To safeguard the reputation of the journal by publishing only previously unpublished material, which is qualitative and scientifically relevant.
  • To publish every number of the journal on time and in proper form.
  • To specify what materials are subject to review and which are not.
  • To evaluate every submission prior to review, in order to verify that it is in line with the “Guidelines for contributors” as defined by Estudios de Asia y África.
  • To accept or reject submissions strictly on the basis of the anonymous reviews that arise from said submissions. If reviewers do not coincide in their final evaluation, the Editor and the Editorial Board will take a final resolution on the matter.
  • To maintain, at every moment, reciprocal confidentiality in relation with both contributors and reviewers.
  • To allow contributors the right to appeal a decision by the Editorial Board.
  • To maintain contributors informed of the state of progress of their review process from the moment that their submission is received until a final evaluation is produced.
  • To undertake a transparent and respectful editorial and publications process in relation to every contributor.
  • To make themselves available to both contributors and reviewers in relation to any queries or clarifications that may arise during the review and subsequent editorial process.



Estudios de Asia y África

ISSN (print) 0185-0164

ISSN (electronic) 2448-654X

Departamento de Publicaciones
El Colegio de México, A.C.
Ninel Salcedo Romero

Annual subscription: (4 issues)
Mexico: 225 pesos
International: USD 60 + USD 30 shipping & handling

Journal History

Estudios de Asia y África has been published by El Colegio de México since January 1966, when it was called Estudios Orientales. En 1975, it took its present name, but the numbering took up from the previous sequence.

It is an academic interdisciplinary journal in Spanish, that receives contributions in this language but also in English, Portuguese and French, that deals with the history, social, economic, political and cultural studies of Asia and Africa. It is published three times a year.